9.3.1. Localization


In the "Localization" section there is the possibility to switch to the necessary language.

Localization tab

Take into account the percentage of each translation of represented languages - the higher value - the more program's options and content will be displayed in the selected language.

Less percentage of translation will show the program's interface with more inaccuracies. Therefore, we recommend you to choose the language with the higher percentage.

The percentage value of languages, which have been translated from 80 percent and higher, are marked in green color, from 50 percentage to 80% - in blue, less than half (< 50 %) - in red.

Press the [Download] symbol to unpack the language translation and install it in the software.

Download language translation

The "Installed" designation will appear opposite the field of the language name:

Installed designation

To activate selected language, press the corresponding button at the bottom.

Activate Selected Language

If the translation is not complete (does not equal to 100 percent), you will see the message to coordinate your further actions:

Not completed translation warning

Click the [OK] button to exit current section of Store Manager and update the program's interface. Choose [Cancel] to discard your previous selection.