6. Order Management
Sub-pages listing:
Currently, the Magento Order Management module allows to view, filter, delete orders, and export order data, and manage existing orders. Additional functionality is forthcoming.
Below, the "Main Orders" section is described.
From the "Orders" page you can create a new order by pressing the corresponding button on the top toolbar:
The "Orders" section displays all of your existing orders, along with pertinent information, structured and displayed, through the use of tables. Use the "Filter" option to refine the selection of a particular order, or orders, that you are interested in viewing. If you'd like to display only orders that meet a specific time requirement, select the time period on the right side of the page, and click the [Apply] button.
Additional information about an order is displayed at the bottom of the Dialog Screen.
Information Tab
The "Information" tab displays detailed information about the current order, such as "Products Ordered", along with their "Price" and "Quantity", "Payment Information", "Order Totals", and "Order Details".
The section indicated below, displays an invoice list. Currently, it only allows to preview invoices. Additional options will subsequently be made available.
The "Invoices" section displays a record of payment receipts pertaining to a particular order, or set of orders. In some instances, a payment can actually be automatically received, and posted simultaneously along with Invoice creation, thus creating a permanent, and complete record of an order, in a few simple steps.
Multiple Invoices may be created per order, containing as many, or as few, item quantities as you desire. However, each item unit may only be invoiced once, thus establishing a finite limit to the number of Invoices that may ultimately be created. Because this is a permanent record of an order, all invoiced quantities cannot be canceled, except through the performance of generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), such as through the use of a subsequently generated Credit Memo.
Credit Memos
A Credit Memo generates, and maintains a record of a refund, or otherwise transaction reversing credit. Payment for an item, or items, cannot be refunded until they are paid for, so a Credit Memo may not be created until an invoice has been generated. While a Credit Memo is a record of a refund, it is not a record of a return or the actual returning of funds to a customer. In some cases, a return can be given simultaneously along with the creation of a Credit Memo (just as a payment posted along with an invoice), but they are not necessarily always associated, or connected.
The "Shipments" area maintains a record of items in an order, which have actually been shipped.
Just as an invoice, multiple shipments may be created, per order, subject to finite limit restrictions.
Comments history
To assist in managing Magento Orders, the "Comments History" section maintains a list of posted order comments. Order Comments can be added while creating an order, and they may also be added to completed orders. There is additionally displayed, pertaining as to whether a customer was, or was not, notified, in some form.