Install Store Manager Connector for Magento versions 2.0.x - 2.2.x

First, download Connector that supports Magento versions 2.0.x - 2.2.x

Then, select one of the methods of Conenctor installation from the listed below:

Installation via Composer

If you have installed Composer on the server, you can adhere to the next instruction on uploading and installing module with the special commands. This is actual for Magento versions 2.0.х - 2.2.х.

1. To start installation process move to the store root directory and run the following command:

composer require emagicone/module-bridgeconnector

2. Enable the module:

php bin/magento module:enable Emagicone_Bridgeconnector

3. Apply the recent changes including the module installation:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Magento Store Manager Connector module is successfully installed now and can be used.

Manual Installation

Manual module installation instruction covers the basic steps on uploading files with Magento Store Manager Connector installation locally, transfer them to the store root directory on FTP and installation process directly.

Firstly, upload files with module on your computer. Use the LINK to upload the zipped file with Magento Store Manager Connector on your computer.

Upload Module Files to a FTP Server

1. Log in to your FTP server (use any FTP client )

2. Transfer the file with the module to the store root directory (directory, where the shopping cart is installed)

Copy Store Manager Connector to Store Root

Note: Next steps require some administrator skills to unzip, register and install the current module.

Install Magento Store Manager Connector

1. Create a new folder:

<your store folder>/app/code/Emagicone/Bridgeconnector

2. Open the command-line shell.

3. By using unzip command extract the module installation file. Specify the path to the directory which the module should be placed in, for example, you can use the following command:

unzip -d app/code/Emagicone/Bridgeconnector

4. To enable Magento Store Manager Connector, specify the following command:

php bin/magento module:enable Emagicone_Bridgeconnector

5. Apply the recent changes including the module installation:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

6. Go to the Admin Panel. In the Dashboard sections list you should see the Magento Store Manager Connector tab.

Before completing the installation process and configuring the connection in the Store Manager for Magento, open the Settings section of Magento Store Manager Connector:


We strongly recommended replacing (changing) default username and password on your own because of security reasons!

Find in the Settings of Bridge Store Manager Connector the necessary fields and specify your own values instead of the default ones (the default password and login are '1' ).

Do not forget to press the button [Save].

You are able to change some additional settings for Magento Store Manager Connector as well:

  • Allow/deny compression while generating dump file

  • Exclude some tables (use this to reduce the size of the data retrieved from the module)

  • In order to allow module using only from specific IP address(es) you should add IP address(es) here etc.

Do not forget to save the changes.

Store Manager Connector Setting