4.3. Customer Data
In the Customer Data section, the "Addresses" tab will allow to enter one, or more, addresses for the account, and also simultaneously create it, if necessary. For each address that you want to create, click [Add New Address]. The address list will display a separate entry for each created address.
You may designate which address is the "Default Billing Address", and/or, which is the "Default Shipping Address", by selecting the relevant checkbox. The default address(es) will automatically be selected from the address drop-down list, each time an order is placed, using the account.
On this tab you may perform a number of useful operations, such as:
Add an address. This will display a blank" Edit Customer Address" form, which can subsequently be used to create a new address.
Edit an existing address, by double-clicking it, or by selecting the [Edit] button. This will display the "Edit Address" form, for the selected Customer.
Delete an address from your Store with the [Delete] button .
Caution! You won't be able to undo a delete from Store operation, except through the restoration of a recently (hopefully) completed database backup.
4. Adjust columns width, or enable the column auto width with the corresponding buttons.
This tab lists all orders created by the customer. Clicking a specific order will redirect to the Order page, which contains detailed information and additional features, such as allowing the creation of Invoices and Shipments.
You may immediately go to any order, by selecting the relevant button.
You may also adjust columns width, or enable the column auto width by pressing the corresponding buttons.
And you may filter orders in this tab to display all orders that exists in your database or show orders of current customer.
Shopping Cart
This feature lists all products currently in the Customer’s Shopping Cart. It also offers options, such as the ability to selectively delete each product, from the Cart. Clicking a specific product will redirect you to that product’s Detail page.
You may also adjust columns width, or enable the column auto width with the corresponding buttons.
The Wishlist allows your Customers to save items that they are interested in, for later retrieval and viewing. Customers do not need to register, or sign in, to add an item to the Wishlist. This tab allows you to view the products that the Customer currently has in his/her Wishlist.
Delete selected record.
You may also adjust columns width, or by enabling the column auto width with the corresponding buttons.
This tab allows you to preview a list of all the Newsletters of which the Customer is a recipient. It looks very similar to the Newsletter Queue and includes both 'Sent', and 'Not Sent' status of Newsletters.
You may adjust columns width, or by enabling the column auto width with the corresponding buttons.
Product Reviews
The "Product Reviews" tab lists all product reviews submitted by a customer. Clicking a specific review will redirect you to that "Review’s Detail" tab. The Product Rating system allows you to customize the rating categories, through which your customer(s) may also rate products, in addition to creating reviews.
You may choose to add, edit, or delete reviews, and also perform basic operations, including:
[Add a review], which calls a blank "Edit Review" form, which is then used to create a new Review.
To edit review, simply double click the item, or select the [Edit Review] button. This will call the "Edit Review" form, for the highlighted product.
You may also choose Delete Selected review, by selecting.
Caution! You won't be able to undo a 'delete from Store' operation, except through the restoration of a recently (hopefully) completed database backup.
To adjust columns width, or by enabling the column auto width with the corresponding buttons.
To manage the Reviews view, select either the "Show all reviews", or "Show reviews of current customer" filters, depending on the task that you wish to accomplish.
Edit Review
To add a new review, or edit an existing one, perform the following steps:
Press either the [Create] new, or [Edit] review button (depending upon your task), which will display the "Edit Review data" window.
In this window specify the following general information:
"Product". Verify the name of the highlighted product, to which you wish to add a review.
"Posted By". Specify either a name or other appellation such as a nickname.
"Product Rating". This field will state "Rating isn’t Available", until at least one Store View is selected, at which point, its rating will become visible, in the drop-down field. The Rating Table, that is also available and viewable by your Customers, will appear in the selected Store View. You may subsequently select 1-5 stars, for each Rating option, and a Summary Rating.
"Status". Select whether the review is to be "Approved", "Pending", or "Not Approved". For the rating to display in the front-end, it must be "Approved".
"Visible In". Select the Store Views, in which this product rating will display.
"Nickname". Enter the name of the reviewer, as it will appear in the front-end.
"Summary of Review". Enter the Title of the Review, as it will appear in the front-end.
"Review". Enter the contents of the Review, as it will appear to the Customer, in the front-end.
The [Edit HTML] button displays a new "HTML Editor" window. It contains 2 tabs: HTML, and Code, along with a Properties Toolbar. The Source Preview is useful if you are working directly with 'raw' HTML text. It gives you precise control over the Tags used within the page. However, by default, you may also work with the page objects, visually.
2. Click [OK] to save the entry, or click [Cancel] to discard it. If you have set the status to "Approved", the review will appear, and be accessible in your store's front-end.
Product Tags
This tab lists all the Product Tags, submitted by customers. Clicking on a specific tag will redirect you to that tag’s Detail tab.
Product Tags are basically keywords, created by customers,on the front-end, or by staff, on the back-end, which may be assigned to Products. Product Tags help your customers organize and remember products that they've viewed. They also offer quick and efficient navigation within the store.
The view also shows all tags that this product has been given, by users, or staff, along with the number of times each tag has been used.
You may choose to add, or delete tags for the highlighted product(s), using either the toolbar or the context menu.
You may also perform the following operations:
[Add Tag] displays a blank "New Tag" form, which is subsequently used to create the new tag.
To create a new tag, specify its name, and status. After specifying the status of the tag, click [OK] to save the entry, and create the tag, or click [Cancel] to discard the entry.
To create a new tag, using the [Product radio] button, after creating and/or selecting the product, specify its store view, and enter the tag name and product status.
Click [OK] to save the entry, and create the new tag, or click [Cancel], to discard it.
To edit tag, double click it, and change any value(s) that you need to adjust.
You may also choose [Delete] selected tag with this button.
Caution! You won't be able to undo a 'delete from Store' operation, except through the restoration of a recently (hopefully) completed database backup.
Change tag status by this option.
Select the Show All Tags, or Show Tags of Current Product filters, to manage their respective view(s).
To adjust columns width, or by enabling the column auto width with the corresponding buttons.