4.7. Reward Exchange Rate (Enterprise Edition!)
Using the Reward Points section of Store Manager for Magento, Enterprise Edition, you may reward Customers who regularly make purchases in your Store(s). This useful feature allows Customers to accumulate points for each order and thus encourages them to make future purchases on your Site(s).
You may configure different conditions for Reward Points' accumulation, for each of your online Stores, and for individual Customer groups withing your Stores. Chose the Store(s), and select the Reward Exchange Rate (Beta) section of Store Manager, and press the 'Add new reward exchange rate' button, on the toolbar.
In the form that appears, you are presented with an opportunity to select a specific group of Customers. You may also choose a Store exchange Reward Points rate, based upon two possible directions, Points to Currency, and Currency to Points:
"Points to Currency". Set the number of points that customers need to spend, to earn a specified monetary reward.
For each purchase, a customer receives a certain number of points into his balance. When 10 reward points are accumulated, they may be converted to a specified amount of appropriate currency units, which may subsequently be converted to a sum of money, that may be applied to future purchases.
"Currency to Points". Use this option to define the appropriate level of currency units that customers need to spend, which may be converted and redeemed, for a specified amount of reward points.
As an example, a product with a price of $396.00 will earn a purchaser 39 Reward Points. A product with a price of $924.00 will earn 92 points towards a Customer's Points balance, etc.
You may manually add, or subtract, Reward Points from a Customer's balance. Select the "Customers" option, on the Store Manager toolbar, and identify the necessary customer, from the existing list. On the Customer's "Reward Points" tab, click the [Update Balance] button.
Specify a positive amount, to add, or a negative amount, to subtract, a designated number of reward points, for the chosen Customer. You may, optionally, leave comments (notes), about actions taken, and the reasons for the action(s).
Additionally, a form, illustrated below, offers an opportunity to subscribe to points expiration notifications, and balance updates, by selecting the appropriate checkbox(es):
If you have Store Manager for Magento, Enterprise Edition, and need more assistance on this, or other features, please contact our Support Team, and we will gladly help you!