3.8. Magento Multi Editors
Sub-pages listing:
Multi Editor tool
The Multi Editor is one of the time saving Store Manager for Magento features, available for use. It allows you to perform mass changes with:
Magento products (product prices, meta information, descriptions, etc.)
Magento inventory (product quantities, availability (in stock, out of stock), etc.)
Note: You can only make batch updates to products within one attribute set (e.i. Computers, Furniture etc.) at a time.
Product Multi Editor
1. Select products that you want to update. Choose the Magento Products Multi Editor, either on a toolbar, or within the pop-up context menu, which can be enabled by right-click:
2. In the Products Multi Editor window, select the Store View which data should be updated.
3. Check the fields that are to be updated.
* For faster updates, use the Expressions feature.
Example: Let’s assume we want to raise the price for the selected products by 10%.
7. As you see, Store Manager performed the operation in a second. The price has changed by 10%.
Note: Expressions are mathematical equations, so they can be used only for numeric fields such as price, quantity etc. You should not use them for description, design etc.
Inventory Multi Editor
You can use Store Manager for Magento Inventory Multi Editor to change quantity, stock availability, minimum and maximum quantity allowed in shopping cart, minimum quantity for items’ status to be out of stock and others:
Magento inventory multi editor is similar to Product multi editor. Select products for mass update, choose Inventory Editor (using toolbar or context menu). Check the fields you want to update, do the updates and click [OK].
The Store Manager Multi Editor facilitates making batch updates to multiple products and inventory in seconds.
Tier Price Multi Editor
From now on you can modify/edit the tier price data massively by using the Multi Editor feature.
The Tier Price Multi Editor is available in Store Manager for Magento Professional and Enterprise Editions only!
If you use Store Manager for Magento Standard Edition and want to be able to operate with the tier price massively - recommend to upgrade your current Edition to Professional. Visit the page to get more information how to perform this.
To open the Multi Editor form use the top-toolbar or context menu:
In the Products page select the items for updating and choose from the upper Multi Editors’ actions list the necessary command:
Highlight the items in the Products page and, by using the right-click, call the context menu with the required option below:
In the context menu you can also see a separate Tier Price position which contains necessary command as well:
Use one of the following methods to launch the Tier Price Multi Editor.
The form which appears has two modes:
Advanced (only for Enterprise Edition)
Simple (Enterprise and Professional Editions).
Please note, if you use Standard Edition of Store Manager for Magento you need to upgrade to Professional or Enterprise Edition to make this feature available.
Simple Mode of Tier Price MultiEditor
This mode has the following view:
Check the Quantity and Price Modifier checkboxes to specify the value to update.
"Modify quantity/price by" checkboxes. Activate them to be able to indicate the required number of products / the price value.
"Modify type". The value can be numerical or percentage (only for price value!) parameter, depending on which checkbox is chosen:
An option below helps to specify a fixed numeric value for all positions of price / quantity:
Some of the data can be changed by using the hidden drop-down lists, i.e.:
"Website" column. Use an arrow option to expand the possible variants. Choose a website, which the current changes will be reflected in:
Take into account the column marked with an asterisk, which means it is mandatory.
"All Groups". Select or unselect the checkbox and make the changes enabled/disabled for all customer groups of your store.
This column is closely related to the next column of the table - "Customer Group".
"Customer Group". Choose a specific group of users to make the updates available within the selected position.
Note: if you leave it with "Not logged in" status but the "All groups" checkbox from the previous column is checked that means the changes provided for such products will be available for all customer groups by default.
If the status is "Not logged in" and the checkbox "All groups" is unselected, the tier price updates of the selected products will not be displayed in any of the groups.
"Quantity/Price" column. Specify the rule at which the price offer will be available. A certain position in the column corresponds to the price and quantity values:
"Action". Choose an action you want to perform for the certain columns details’:
[Skip] allows ignoring update on the current column’s data.
[Modify] helps to update the tier price details indicated at this column.
[Delete] removes tier price from the product, specified in the appropriate column.
Advanced Mode of Tier Price MultiEditor
Note: the Tier Price Multi Editor’s Advanced mode is available only in Enterprise Edition of Store Manager for Magento.
This mode enables to use the expression formula(s) to customize the price data while updating.
In the upper side of the Multi Editor form you can see a special checkbox for switching between the modes.
The "Expression for Price" column will appear in the table of the data below.
Navigate cursor to the column where you need to insert the expression in:
The browse button opens the Expression Editor form where you can create and verify the extended formula before applying.
Please, make sure that the required positions of the products with the tier price offers have filled in the lower table fields:
Specify the necessary action for each column by using the drop-down list:
[Skip] - the updates/changes in the data of the chosen position will be skipped
[Modify] the data, specified in a such column, will be applied to the appropriate product (the product’s tier price details will be updated)
[Delete]. The tier price of the product will be deleted.
Be sure you have done all modifications before the updating will be run.
The updates will be launched and you will see the following progress bar:
The modification is completed now and can be previewed in the Products list of Store Manager.
In additional, consider the following video tutorials how to change (modify) different details in products in a bulk by using the Multi Editor tool of Store Manager:
How to Massively Update Magento Products
Need to bulk update Magento products? Watch the video that shows how to modify product details via Magento Admin and what should be done to enhance mass product altering.
Update Magento SKU for Numerous Products via Admin
Magento Admin does not allow to massively change SKU numbers, so you have either to accomplish this manually, product after product or fall back upon coding. Nevertheless there is always the way to simplify this task and you will discover this way when watching video tutorial on Store Manager for Magento.
Also, check the articles below, for additional useful information pertaining to the Multi-Editor Tool, and its available options:
Have an Easy Time Performing Bulk Updates with Multi-Editor Tool of Store Manager for Magento
If you need any additional assistance or help contact with our Support Department to get all necessary information. We will gladly assist you!